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Do PROC SQL Joins and DATA Step Merges produce the same results?

Be careful when combining datasets horizontally when there are columns with the same names in the contribution tables, but not specified in the join condition as the output will differ depending on the syntax used.

Sample datasets can be produced by submitting the following code:

data left ;
  key = '01' ;
  col1 = 999 ;
  col2 = 'left  ' ;
  output ;
  key = '02' ;
  col1 = . ;
  col2 = '' ;
  output ;
run ;

data right ;
  key = '01' ;
  col1 = 111 ;
  col2 = 'right1' ;
  output ;
  key = '02' ;
  col1 = 222 ;
  col2 = 'right2' ;
  output ;
run ;

Each dataset has the same columns, and matching values of the KEY variable.  The remaining columns are common to both, but have no matching values.

LEFT table:

key col1 col2
01 999 left
02 .  


RIGHT table

key   col1  col2
 01  111  right1
 02  222  right2


Joining the datasets with a DATA Step MERGE:

data combine ;
  merge left
    by key ;
run ;

will generate a table where the last-named dataset determines the values of the commonly-named columns:


key col1 col2
01 111 right1
02 222 right2


Using PROC SQL to combine the data (LEFT | RIGHT | FULL | INNER JOINs will determine which observations are included according to normal rules).  Default action for PROC SQL is to produce a report, where multiple columns of the same name can be included:

proc sql ;
  select *
  from left  as l
       left join
       right as r
       on l.key = r.key
quit ;

Report generated:

key col1 col2 key col1 col2
01 999 left 01 111 right1
02 .   02 222 right2


If however a table is generated using PROC SQL:

proc sql ;
  create table combine_sql as
  select *
  from left  as l
       full join
       right as r
       on l.key = r.key
quit ;

then WARNINGs are generated in the LOG:

WARNING: Variable key already exists on file WORK.COMBINE_SQL.
WARNING: Variable col1 already exists on file WORK.COMBINE_SQL.
WARNING: Variable col2 already exists on file WORK.COMBINE_SQL.

and the table which is generated takes it values from the first-named table only.


key col1 col2
01 999 left
02 .  
Alan D Rudland
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