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How can I create a macro variable containing a quoted list from a dataset?

Using PROC SQL and the INTO clause along with the SEPARATED BY option and a compound separator creating quoted lists is easy.

Using the PROC SQL code:

proc sql noprint ;
  select name into :namelist separated by '", "' 
  from sashelp.class
quit ;

will generate a partially quoted list with text looking like:

Alfred", "Alice", "Barbara", "Carol

Use a %LET statement to concatenate an opening quote, the resolved text and a closing quote:

%let namelist = "&namelist" ;

The quotation mark before the ampersand is the opening quote at the beginning of the first item, and the one before the semi-colon is the closing quote after the last item.  The macro variable now contains the text:

"Alfred", "Alice", "Barbara", "Carol"

It is also possible to create a list of items with single quotes, but additional MACRO Quoting  functions are required to mask the single quotes, which would otherwise prevent the macro variable reference from resolving:

*** Use Single Quotes *** ;

proc sql noprint ;
  select name into :namelist separated by "' '" 
  from sashelp.class
quit ;

%let sq = %bquote(%sysfunc(byte(39))) ;
%let namelist = %unquote(&sq%bquote(&namelist)&sq) ;
%put &namelist ;

*** Sample Use *** ;

data names ;
  set sashelp.classfit ;
    where name in (&namelist) ;
run ;
Tags: into, quoted, separated by
Alan D Rudland
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