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How do I add comments to code in SAS?

/***                                                                            ***/
/***                            Some comments on comments                       ***/  
/***                                                                            ***/ 

*** Using the Box Comment style with the slash-asterisk pairings is            *** ; 
*** useful for sub-dividing code and highlighting significant areas            *** ;

*** Using the Comment Statement is to be recommended for process commentary.   *** ;

/* Comment out this block

*** If there is a need to block out larger sections of code the slash-asterisk *** ;
*** pairing can then be wrapped around syntax (including comments).            *** ;

data _null_ ;
run ;


*** If however the slash-asterisk pairing has been used for inline comments    *** ;
*** e.g. within an SQL Query and there is a need to comment out a code section *** ;
*** use a macro program definition without a call to remove code sections      *** ;

%macro donotrun ;

*** Process Commentary goes here *** ;
proc sql ;
  select  a
         ,b /* Inline commentary goes here */
  from tablename
quit ;  

%mend donotrun ;    

*** Macro Program definitions cause the syntax colouring in the Enhanced       *** ;
*** Editor to stop working.  Use a dummy local macro variable to 'fool' the    *** ;
*** Enhanced Editor into reinstating syntax colouring                          *** ;   

%macro donotrun ;

%local colourit ;
%let colourit = %nrstr(%mend donotrun ;) ;

*** Process Commentary goes here *** ;
proc sql ;
  select  a
         ,b /* Inline commentary goes here */
  from tablename
quit ;  

%mend donotrun ;      

*** In long sections of code where there is a need to add / remove comment     *** ;
*** blocks at multiple points within the code, consider using macro variables  *** ;
*** to control the inclusion or exclusion.                                     *** ;

*% Alternate these macro variable definitions to include code: ;

%let star  = ;
%let slash = ; 

*% With these to exclude code: ;

%let star  = * ;
%let slash = /;


data _null_ ;
run ;

proc sql ;
  select *
  from table
quit ;

*/ ;

*** Macro Comments should be reserved for sections of code acted upon by the   *** ;
*** Macro Processor e.g. macro logic in macro program definitions.             *** ;

%macro runit ;
  %*create local macro variables ;
  %local a b c ;

  *** Non-macro logic statements *** ;
  data _null_ ;
  run ;
%mend runit ;


Tags: comments
Alan D Rudland
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