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How can I search for a phrase in all SAS files in a directory and subdirectories?

/***                                                                              ***/
/***   Search for any given text string in all *.sas files in a directory         ***/
/***   and all sub-directories.                                                   ***/
/***                                                                              ***/
/***                                                                              ***/
/***    Sample call: %findit(lookin  = c:\mycode\reports                         ***/
/***                        ,lookfor = data _null_)                               ***/
/***                                                                              ***/
/***                 %findit(lookfor = %nrstr(%printit))                          ***/
/***                                                                              ***/

%macro findit( lookin  = c:\code
              ,lookfor = ????
			 ) ;
  %local count lookin lookfor i j ;
  options nonotes nomlogic nomprint nomprintnest nosymbolgen ;

  *** Assign a fileref to the directory and open it *** ;                                                         
  %let rc = %sysfunc(filename(filrf,&lookin)) ;                                                                                               
  %let did = %sysfunc(dopen(&filrf)) ;                                                                                                     
  ** Ensure Directory is available *** ;                                                                                               
  %if &did eq 0 %then 
  %do ; 
    %put ERROR: Directory &lookin cannot be opened or does not exist. ;  
    %goto endmac ;                                                                                                                             

  *** Close the directory and clear the fileref *** ;                                                                                      
  %let rc = %sysfunc(dclose(&did)) ;                                                                                                       
  %let rc = %sysfunc(filename(filrf)) ;  

  %let lookin  = %lowcase(&lookin)  ; 
  %let lookfor = %lowcase(&lookfor) ;

  *** Get Directories and subdirectories from location *** ;

  filename dirlist pipe "dir &lookin /b /s /a:d" ;

  data dirs (drop = count);
      length dir $ 100 ;
  	  if _n_ = 1 then 
      do ;
        count + 1 ;
        dir = "&lookin" ;
        call symputx('dcount',put(count,6.)) ;
		output ;
      end ;
    infile dirlist end = last ;
	  *** Handle empty Directory List *** ;
	  if _n_ = 1 and last then goto endstep ;
    input dir :$100. ; 
      count + 1 ;
      if last then call symputx('dcount',put(count,6.)) ;
      output ;
  run ; 

  data _null_ ;
    set dirs ;
	  call symputx('dir'!!strip(put(_n_,3.)),dir) ;
  run ;

  %do i = 1 %to &dcount ;

    *** Get *.sas files in directory *** ;
    filename saslist pipe "dir &&dir&i /b" ;

    data sasfiles_&i (drop = count) ;
      infile saslist end = last ;
        *** Handle empty directories *** ;
	    if _n_ = 1 and last then 
        do ;
	      call symputx('fcount',put(count,6.)) ;
	      stop ;
	    end ;
      input sasprog :$100. ; 
        count + 1 ;
        if not find(lowcase(sasprog), '.sas') then 
        do ;
          count + (-1) ;
	      if last then call symputx('fcount',put(count,6.)) ;
          delete ;
        end ;
        if last then call symputx('fcount',put(count,6.)) ;
    run ; 

    %if &fcount > 0 %then
    %do ;
      proc sql noprint ;
        select sasprog into :sas_&i._1 %if &fcount >1 %then - :sas_&i._&fcount ;
        from sasfiles_&i
      quit ;

      %do j = 1 %to &fcount ;
        data found_&i._&j ;
          infile "&&dir&i\&&sas_&i._&j" scanover missover lrecl = 256 pad ;
  	        _infile_ = lowcase(_infile_) ;
          input @"&lookfor" found $ ;
            if length(found) then
            do ;
	          put ;
	          put "LOOKFOR: Program file: &&dir&i.\&&sas_&i._&j.." ;
              put _infile_ ;
            end ;
        run ;
      %end ;

      proc datasets lib = work nolist ;
        delete dirs sasfiles_: found_: ;
      quit ;
    %end ;
  %end ;
  %endmac :
  options notes ;
%mend findit ;

%findit(lookin  = c:\myfiles\reports 
       ,lookfor = data _null_)       
%findit(lookfor = %nrstr(%printit))  
Alan D Rudland
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