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When are leading and trailing blanks removed from macro variables?

Macro variables created with %LET have leading and trailing blanks removed.

%let num =       1234      ;
%put NOTE: >>>&num<<< ;

Submitting this code generates the LOG:

1    %let num =       1234      ;
2    %put NOTE: >>>&num<<< ;
NOTE: >>>1234<<<

Using CALL SYMPUT with either an implicit or explicit conversion does not remove leading and trailing blanks.

data _null_ ;
  call symput('num2',1234) ;
  call symput('num3',put(1234,8.)) ;
run ;

%put NOTE: Converted values are right-aligned. ;
%put NOTE- Implicit conversion uses BEST12. to convert: >>>&num2<<< ;
%put NOTE- Explicit conversion determined by the 'w' value: >>>&num3<<< ;

Submitting this code generates the LOG:

1    data _null_ ;
2      call symput('num2',1234) ;
3      call symput('num3',put(1234,8.)) ;
4    run ;

NOTE: Numeric values have been converted to character values at the places given by:
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.00 seconds
      cpu time            0.00 seconds

6    %put NOTE: Converted values are right-aligned. ;
NOTE: Converted values are right-aligned.
7    %put NOTE- Implicit conversion uses BEST12. to convert: >>>&num2<<< ;
      Implicit conversion uses BEST12. to convert: >>>        1234<<<
8    %put NOTE- Explicit conversion determined by the 'w' value: >>>&num3<<< ;
      Explicit conversion determined by the 'w' value: >>>    1234<<<

CALL SYMPUTX automatically removes leading and trailing blanks.

data _null_ ;
  call symputx('num4',put(1234,8.)) ;
run ;

%put NOTE: >>>&num4<<< ;

Submitting this code generates the LOG:

1    data _null_ ;
2      call symputx('num4',put(1234,8.)) ;
3    run ;

NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.00 seconds
      cpu time            0.01 seconds

5    %put NOTE: >>>&num4<<< ;
NOTE: >>>1234<<<

The INTO clause in PROC SQL does not remove leading and trailing blanks either; use a %LET statement to resolve the issue.

proc sql noprint ;
  select count(*) into :num5
  from sashelp.class
quit ;

%put NOTE: >>>&num5<<< ;

%let num5 = &num5 ;
%put NOTE: >>>&num5<<< ;

Submitting this code generates the LOG:

1    proc sql noprint ;
2      select count(*) into :num5
3      from sashelp.class
4      ;
5    quit ;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.01 seconds
      cpu time            0.00 seconds

7    %put NOTE: >>>&num5<<< ;
NOTE: >>>      19<<<
9    %let num5 = &num5 ;
10   %put NOTE: >>>&num5<<< ;
NOTE: >>>19<<<

Alternatively use the SEPARATED BY clause (even when expecting a single value) and leading and trailing blanks 'are' removed.

proc sql noprint ;
  select count(*) into :num6 separated by ''
  from sashelp.class
quit ;

%put NOTE: >>>&num6<<< ;

Submitting this code generates the LOG:

1    proc sql noprint ;
2      select count(*) into :num6 separated by ''
3      from sashelp.class
4      ;
5    quit ;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.00 seconds
      cpu time            0.01 seconds

7    %put NOTE: >>>&num6<<< ;
NOTE: >>>19<<<

Attached files: macro variable STRIPping.sas, log.txt

Alan D Rudland
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